porcelain jewellery holland

porcelain jewelry designer

paper clay innovative ceramics

porcelain jewellery holland
Peter Hoogeboom lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He studied at the jewellery department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (Amsterdam) and graduated in 1992. Peter works in the area where art, design and crafts overlap. Since 1995 he has been using ceramics / porcelain in his jewellery.
Apart from being used as a material in art, in design ceramics seems
to be reserved for its utilitarian function as a vessel. Peter wants to return to its function as body adornment, which ceramics has had since prehistory (e.g. terracotta beads), in an innovative way. Using the method of slip casting, he can replicate the many hollow, relatively strong and lightweight elements to build his objects and wearable pieces with.
Peter Hoogeboom Sieraden
Daniël Stalpertstraat 137
1072 XD Amsterdam
Chamber of Commerce number: 34340609
VAT number: NL001366470B85

Galerie Ra
Nes 120, 1012 KE Amsterdam, NL | galerie-ra.nl
Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h
4836 Boulevard St-Laurent, Montréal QC H2T 1R5, CA | galerienoelguyomarch.com
Gallery Loupe
50 Church Street, Montclair, NJ 07042, US | galleryloupe.com
Gallery Funaki
4 Crossley Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000, AU | galleryfunaki.com.au
Officine Saffi
Via Aurelio Saffi 7, 20123 Milan, IT | officinesaffi.com
CC Gallery
No. 398 Xueqin Road, Shulin District, New Taipei City 238, TW | ccgallerytw.com
Galeria Tereza Seabra
Rua da Rosa 158-160A, 1200-389 Lisbon, PT | terezaseabra.com
Galerie Biró
Zieblandstraße 19, 80799 Munich, DE | galerie-biro.de

Workshops / Lectures / Demonstrations on:
- Ceramics in contempary jewellery
- Art history of ceramic jewellery
- Wearable ceramics: ceramics in my own jewellery
- Mould making and slip casting
- Various techniques of applying ceramic elements
- Assemblage of, contruction of, building with
ceramic elements in/into a piece of jewellery